With each New Year’s arrival you set out with fresh resolutions about losing weight, spending more time with the family or saving more money. But what do you do about your home? Home is your sanctuary, your space to unwind, tune-out and be yourself after a hard day’s work.
In keeping with the spirit of new beginnings, we bring you some very easy to maintain resolutions that will make your home organized, clean and green.
Every year we bring in new stuff without really thinking about how we are going to accommodate it. Our drawers, counters, cupboards brim to the point of explosion but we shirk from letting stuff go. This year, have the courage to dispose of everything that you haven’t used in 18 months. The best way to do this is to take a friend or a relative with you to keep you from getting emotional about stuff you don’t want to give away.
Take on each room, as you would a bull by its horns and start creating piles of stuff that you would want to
i) sell,
ii) donate
iii) dump in the bin.
For each room you are allowed to keep only two things which you’ve been hoarding just for emotional purposes. Everything else you haven’t used in 18 months gets segregated to be disposed off. Once done, breathe in the clean and non cluttered air of your newly found space.
Safety First:
Each year we get our homes freshly painted but rarely bother to look for lead-less paints. Although more expensive, opt for lead-less paints if you want to avoid brain damage. If you have a working chimney or a heater in your room, make sure the carbon monoxide fumes don’t get circulated back into the house.
Protect your house against short circuit and fire hazards by checking all your electrical points and gadgets like iron and hair dryer by an electrician. Never use broken electrical gadgets or try to mend them yourself if you are not certified to.
Reduce your Bills and go Green:
Going green doesn’t have to mean solar panels or expensive hybrid cars. Just some old fashioned common sense will help you to cut the energy bills.
Try compost for your garden’s fertilizer needs. This is a big step in re-cycling wet and organic garbage from your house.
Let your washing machine be full before running it. It reduces energy consumption substantially.
In summers, refrain from using the dryer and let clothes dry on the clothes line.
Use air-conditioner sparingly at 24 degrees and heaters only when you are inside the room
Put your computer and laptops on sleep mode when you are taking a break.
Switch off lights and fans when leaving home
Use self irrigating pots for indoor and outdoor plants to reduce water wastage.
Working out a Weekly System for Cleaning
The kitchen platform should we wiped down every night before you turn in.
Make a list of places that need cleaning and the frequency every month. Example, mattresses to be dusted every 15 days. Now make a monthly calendar and dedicate a day for each cleaning area.
Lastly, take a little time out to re-arrange the furniture!